Comment : diana : I had a cable break when My car was getting pulled by a tractor 40 years ago.
I had parked over a frost boil and it sank in.
The cable snapped and went thru both the front and back windows.
I'm glad I wasn't in the car...
Com: Eric : At 1:51 you see what a REAL tractor can do,
Dad always said "when you get sick your turds are green and your pee is yellow " needless to say we have all Internationals here..
Years ago my Uncle had an articulating tractor like the one in this vid.
His person who was operating it in late fall or early winter got into the slop and kept trying to get himself stuck so
bad that the tractor had to be left in the field until springtime.
Needless to say my Uncle was not happy. Just a little story I thought you'd enjoy. :)
And beyond the getting stuck part the 'divot' left by the tractor had to be repaired.