I don’t know who is a pro who isn’t, I liked the first video that helping one person, so many people responded, I respect such people
Comments: Yeah ... to move such a bridge - you have to be damn lucky))) the guy was not lucky, maybe he will be lucky in love? )))
We need to apply such technology as in the north, it would be much faster and more efficient.
I'm in shock !!! So many men, but mind? It was necessary to pull in the wrong direction. You have to make fun of the technique.
Hello everyone! Nobody clings to the tractor for the front, if the tractor would be pressed to the ground by the hitch. There would be a result. Before it was necessary to lift it through the barrel and not tore it. There is no experience of men. It's good that everyone helped together, for I like it
In the other direction, back it was necessary to drag, there is a shallower entrance and wheels of a larger diameter, they climb obstacles more easily, and they did not remove the turning point and re-engage in love