A tire safety video from Branick Industries highlighting the dangers of an exploding tire and the benefits to using an inflation cage and auto inflator.
The steel bars of that cage are deflecting because of the massive forces involved.
Now imagine the same tire failure happening without the cage and it is easy to see why this can and is often a fatal situation.
Tragically a New Hampshire family is dealing with the loss of a son in his 20s and a Maine man,
also in his 20s was injured when such a failure occurred at a Sears Auto Center and there was no cage being used at the time.
First responders found 22-year old Justin Almon lying on the floor having suffered blunt force trauma to his head.
23-year old Maine resident Adam Sproul was also lying on the floor with a head injury....
Com: ericssen : I'll add another piece of advice.
Don't stand near the driven wheels of a car being dyno tested!
I had noticed tyre deformation on cars being run at a few dyno days, so I made sure I wasn't near the driven wheels after that.
Then at one dyno day a tyre exploded and the guy ...
standing right alongside it had his leg broken and ripped open!
He was a mess.
Other people were cut by flying debris.