I watched your videos since when i was in 5 class but now i passed fsc still I watching your videos you make good content and your videos are too much attractive thanks for video
Great footage of the FENDT 1050 Gen3 and JD 6R185 in action. The video does a fantastic job of showing how these machines tackle challenging soil conditions.
Kallstrom Sweet Corn of Ephrata , Washington U.S.A. likes this , very nice soil prep. . We pull a train chisel disk with a Steiger tractor
That guy is a pro at his job, a little aggressive on direction changing. But heck his cab is dirtier then my field
All that precious rich top soil just blowing away, it really is that farmers are stuck in time with old methods*
No hate to what all is being done here, but why not "no till"? Less impact on the equipment, less impact on the environment, and most of the stuff out there is pretty slick when it comes to handling planting and such. Just curious. Love to see the tractors in action and all.
Why on earth do we need huge heavy wheeled tractors to pull tiny cultivators . Compaction compaction compacction