A ladder helps you walk on the roof.’ (You mean like a cat ladder ? As opposed to (say) an uncertified plastic pipe with plastic grips running along it ? Right. Thanks for the advice)
Great idea but not for the price of $549 bucks it's not worth it. Maybe a hundred cause you can get just the peak ladder hook for $45 bucks. You drop the price for normal people and I'll buy one...
If your a home owner wanting to go to the ridge of your home for what ever reason then I can see this being helpful to them. Why would people be so negative about someone trying to make a product that might help the non professional ?
I see a lot of people in the comments slamming this product. Guys in my industry are up and down roofs every day. Many of them have this product. It’s a great first man up product. And if you’re gawking at the price tag, ask yourself how much your safety is really worth. It’s called a goat STEEP assist - not a “goat every pitch roof assist”. It’s made for those roofs that you can’t just walk right up with a pair of cougar paws.