1- Liebherr LB44 rotary driller assembly 0:00
2- Rotary driller operation principle 2:07
3- Rotary driller performance 4:30
4- Grab bucket unloading ship 6:30
5- Michelin tire - new invention 7:40
6- Amazing underwater excavator KOMATSU D155
We at Atlas Copco are excited to present to you our first reference book for our deephole market in the water well, oil and gas, and geothermal industries. We define deephole as drilling to depths ranging from about 300 to 10,000 feet. With a product range saturating the water well and oil and gas markets, we plan to use this tool to develop our business and offer training for our employees and customers around the world. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873, and has always had innovation at the core of its identity. In 1972, nearly 100 years after the company was founded, Atlas Copco began producing rigs for drilling gas and CBM wells. Now, as we flash forward to 2014, Atlas Copco has produced over 1,000 deephole drills for the water well and oil and gas industry within the last two decades. Customer interaction, training, new product development and increasing manufacturing capacity are all important factors to help us grow. We continue to improve and develop our current product portfolio that includes our water well product line, RD20 product line, as well as the newest addition to our oil and gas product line: the Predator Drilling System. New product development is always first in mind at Atl