dyname joe: So mint of video there buddy. One thing I noticed on your drive was a right turn sign and those are the kinds of signs I have seen in Sweden. I think this video was shot in sweden as all the rest of the road signs I see are scandinavian type. Cheers from Canada Arch Enemy (old arch enemy) rulez ! ! !
Attlep: That diesel engine is some of the nicests sounds I've ever heard, realy wish I was a trucker between the 50s-80s in the US or Canada xD (greetings from your neighbour Norway btw)
gordon: Why is there a Black Man hanging by a noose on the passenger side windshield?
dyname joe: So mint of video there buddy. One thing I noticed on your drive was a right turn sign and those are the kinds of signs I have seen in Sweden. I think this video was shot in sweden as all the rest of the road signs I see are scandinavian type. Cheers from Canada Arch Enemy (old arch enemy) rulez ! ! !
Attlep: That diesel engine is some of the nicests sounds I've ever heard, realy wish I was a trucker between the 50s-80s in the US or Canada xD (greetings from your neighbour Norway btw)
gordon: Why is there a Black Man hanging by a noose on the passenger side windshield?