Com: rufo rufo : i dont see the point. if climbing a hill requires backpedaling, then what do you do if you got to stand on the crank to make it up that hill??
i forecast lots of confusion....
Com: Blue blue : The concept is awsome .
The use is nil. Try peddling backwards stood up . Nut buster if I ever saw one ..
Com: Master mindras : Changing speed without the mechanism to change the gear. Isn't it?
So pushing pedals clockwise works big gear. Anticlockwise works small gear.
You are a genius. Do you patent it?..
Com: Robert heinkel : So pedaling forward gives you one speed, and pedaling backward gives you a different forward gear. We are doing this for what purpose?
Com: fuzzfizz : for those who failed to understand, pedaling foward gives you normal speed,
pedaling backwards gives you low speed to climb hill, neat 2 speed gearings without having to select manually by levers..
Com: Elijah : Why would you do that? I mean if you're changing something it should be better than the previous thing.