Why all the Hate against People who cutting these Trees? Have you known that a cultivatet Forest saves more Co² from the Atmosphere then an unculitvatet? (Becouse trees growing faster if more light comes to these.) What would you do instead? Building a lot of Houses out of Plastic? Or writing on Plastic-Paper? Or heating with oil? Oh jeah, Mother Nature will love that for sure! I bet, 90% of all Forests in Europe will be sustainably managed. (I cannot speak for USA or whatever, because i don't live there). So, turn on your Brain! Humans killing Trees for Thousands of Years now in Europe and the one Thing that has really changed, is the Speed!
After reading through the comments below (and yes I am aware that the last comment made was 2 weeks ago) I have to say that I would never make a comment to anyone here. You all should read these comments when you are not upset or flying off the handle. The things ppl say to one another have to be some of the worse name calling and abusive words I have ever read on any video I have watched. This is an amazing piece of equipment that obviously is needed by many bc they just celebrated 20 years in the US and their headquarters in Vieremä since 1970. I am just an average citizen that lives in a wood house, with a wood fence and a fireplace that burns, yet again, wood. I am not for clearing all the forests but there is a demand for wood and these ppl want a great machine to help their businesses. Everyone needs to chill out with the name calling bc I am sure you are all intelligent people that just got hot under the collar. Be kind to one another and be happy bc life is just too short.