COMMENTS: - - Ploughing in beans, that were spun on using a fert spreader, early November 21. Used the front plough to get over the field quicker, then the ploughing was worked down with a Rexiius twin, to consolidate the ploughing, and to help level the surface for the Combine.
That's soo cool, I've never seen a front mounted plow before!
Seen this before. Just always thought it must be a PITA to deal with on turning and how it push turns due to the front plow.
I tried to buy front plough from Kuhn, but they said, that i don`t need those kind of problems. :D
Nothing new this was about in the 80ts, just have to be careful coming out the gate onto the road!!!
Very smart and matching up nice and level. What hp is the massey?