Sorry that happened to you man. And I agree with other peoples comments about plastic fuel tanks. With as much fuel as they hold they should not be on these big machines. At least combines for sure. But you got out yourself with no injuries, and it sounds like things got taken care of and came together pretty quickly for you to get settled with your insurace and get another combine in the field. That's awesome.... With that said, having been a service tech and service manager for a dealer for 23 years, it really pisses me off when people just ignore warning lights and buzzers and screens on their monitors!
About 11 years ago my uncle's combine was a complete loss due to a fire while he was shelling corn the main thing is that no one got hurt or lost life a combine can be replaced a person can't
Your luck with fires is about like mine around sharp objects. We had a bearing go out on a Deere years ago and it was a total loss, no play before or after the fire but found out it was spinning on the shaft under load instead of working how a bearing is supposed to. Glad your ok