A master truck driver would drive at a low speed with the tailgate open and tray upright and evenly distribute the rocks like a boss with less need for a grader.
Safety? No problem. Gotta love the guy unlocking the tailgates, 2-way traffic, etc. The good ol' days of road construction. But we have a drone!
Thanks for showing us how NOT to grade out a new roadway. The trucks should be dumped closer to the roadway. So that the piles slightly overlap the previous work. Then the road grader should work on the high side. Using the already finished roadway as a referance. Use the angle of the blade to catch more, push, or slide off the work material as needed. Once you establish your grade. It's easy to maintain it. Work the grader up and then down the road. Cutting and grading enough so you don't have material bleed from the end of your blade. Doing it this way, you will not only achieve the proper grade on first cut. But the surface will be compacted and the tires of the grader will not sink into the material. You could also have a vibratory roller working next to you. Saving a lot of time. IUOE Local 15 (38 years) Retired.
Motor Graders are a good leveling and grading tool. There is, however, a variation on the asphalt layer that can do this job far more efficiently. It can lay a roadbed foundation or sub-roadbed filler very quickly and more efficiently than even a Motor Grader can. They have been using such a machine for laying highways in my local area for the past several years. Very efficient, and grades the material to be placed as it travels, requires many more dump trucks than seen in this video in order to operate smoothly.