Com: Bonni : Serious question: why do we rake our leaves? I do it too, out of custom. But what if we just left them, and let the grass die, and had leaves? Would it be so bad? Natural.... pretty... good for the soil... or would it make us all trip and crack our skulls?
Com : keithh : That is pretty kewl but I have two concerns.
1) What is done with the leaves? They should be ground up and composted into new soil as nature intended
2) What will happen to all the men that used to do that for a living? We have a population of men just lounging around in prisons when they could be chained together togather :) ) the leaves!
Com : kevin : My cat loves to hide in leaf piles...Well, he used to love to hide in leaf piles. Rascal was his name, Rascal hates the vacuum cleaner...Well he used to hate the vacuum cleaner. Poor Rascal, I cry every time I see a 5 bags/ $10.00 mulch sale at Home Depot.