Remembering all Veterans today. (11/11/2024) No one got out of the hot seat today: Laura spilled corn, Grant ruined a tractor rim, and Gage got the skid steer stuck. Little Larry Loader came to the rescue, most of the corn was picked up. Harvey from Graham Tire was able to come out and install a replacement rim. Yankum ropes always come in handy (they make great Christmas gifts and I have a discount code!!) and the Bobcat is just fine. How is your Monday going??
Poor Gage looked so dejected, we all have done stuff like that even worse so cheer up Gage everything will be fine you'll look back and laugh about it sooner than later. I did have to chuckle just a little about the spilt corn, it could have been worse but when the skeptical Laura went and got Little Larry I couldn't help but chuckle. Little guy save a lot of shoveling
Gage, Laura, Grant: be VERY VERY CAREFUL when ever using a Bobcat near any pond! My uncle was in his Bobcat skid steer cleaning up the banks of his farm pond and it had flipped over forward into the mud trapping him inside under water. It had drowned him because he could not open the door to escape! He was also alone and they didn't look him for about 8 hours until he had failed to come back to the house after dark. Seeing this part of the video made me cringe seeing how close that this could have happened to you, Gage! Please remember this!!!!! I'd use a ditch bank mower attachment with the hydraulic arm and a tractor instead of the skid steer for mowing near ponds or creeks!