use the allen key that's 1 size too small, wet it and stick it into a sand pile. The quartz that sticks will fill the gap and let ya turn it
Free tip Monday, turn the bucket around so the spout is on the high side when you pour and you wont get all the glug glug glug. Have a good day and stay safe.
This channel has come a long way since Laura's humble beginnings, I remember her getting excited about 25k subscribers.
Pepper is the sweetest cat and an awesome mommy. Laura is the best and most exciting farmer on YT and is always giving us an education every planting and harvest season. Let's help her to exceed 500,000 before harvest is over.
Equipment using mixed metric and standard hardware tends to send me off into a rant. Now that I have that out of my system I'd like to say that the harvest videos are the best. Folks we need to get this out to 500K subs so spread the word!