The harrow is designed for: early spring harrowing - “nailing in moisture”; fertilizer embedding; leveling the surface of the field; destruction of weed seedlings; destruction of the soil crust; harrowing for seedlings of grain and industrial crops; loosening the topsoil.
The uniqueness of this agricultural machine is that the blades work in three planes and consist of thick-walled pipes interconnected by round-link chain links, on which rhombic profile teeth are installed. The main difference from other types of harrows: 67 teeth per meter of the working width of the machine.
Advantages: The harrow is designed for any agrophysical soil properties. To avoid clogging with crop residues, it is possible to change the angle of attack of the tooth: 50 ° and 70 °.
Machine name BGU-16-Sh, BGU-20-Sh
Machine type Semi-trailed Working width of capture m 16 -22
Number of cross beams 10 -14
Wing section tooth section Rhombic
Wing section tooth size mm 16 × 24 × 154
Tooth size of the central section mm 20 × 200
Total number of teeth 1040 -1376
Tooth attack angle for early spring harrowing 70 °
The angle of attack of the tooth when harrowing along the shoots 50 °
Working depth mm Up to 80
Working speed km / h Up to 15
Consumed (recommended) power h.p. 150 (180) 210 (250)
Productivity ha / hour Up to 24 - 33
Overall dimensions: mm in transport position: - length 12000 ± 100 -18000 ± 100 - width 3420 ± 100 3420 ± 100 - height 3520 ± 50 3520 ± 50 Weight kg 5320 ± 50- 6608 ± 50