My Grandfather got to fly in a U-2 a couple of times. I didn’t find out until his memorial service despite being so close to him. His sons (family worked at Raytheon and others doing guidance, underwater Nuke detonation detectors, tank fire suppression systems and early FLIR) mentioned in part of a memorial speech.
I then got more info. It was the 2 seater NASA model they used for atmospheric testing. (He had a large weather modification company and a founding father of cloud seeding etc) also taught at Cal-Tech among other things. I’d loved to have had a conversation about that. One those guys that did so much and for most part, a major part of raising me. .
That generation… amazing. I’ve done nothing. Lol. Sad laugh. :) sorry this got long. Added more info.
So Proud of Our Military... We Always Need to Show Strength.. Our Enemies - Russies, Iran, North Korea, China will jump at any chance if we show any sign of weakness -- Fist Bump from New Jersey
the U-2 is such a stupid airframe and yet so brilliant at he same time - this why the world will never be run by AI - and the irony of the B-52 outlasting the B-1 and the B-2 is delicious
Wenn man 100 hundert jahre I'm vorraus berechnen kann wie dass wetter auf dem neptun wird . Was meint ihr was somst noch moeglich ist.