Com : Ma : Why make it more complicated when at the end of the day they still use the old garbage bins to retrieve the trash..just a waste of time and money.
Com : Jad : We have these as recycle bins in the netherlands, one for glass, one for plastic and one for everything else. Most dutch people here recycle and that's because we make it ourselfs easy. We even have bins for old clothes, for people who can't afford clothes. This would be a very great start to make the world a better place.
Com : Susann : That's in Switzerland. Certain places already have this system. The garbage men and the repairs are financed through taxes. A garbage bag costs about 2 dollars. That's an early fee. That's why we Swiss separate as much as possible. Glass, aluminum, paper, cardboard, building rubbish, etc. So we need less bags and live more cheaply. Of course you can work around this system, but most stick to it because they do not want any problems. A few years ago it was still very clean, now you can see littering everywhere. Whata pity.