The way you handle the equipment with such precision and care is impressive, Molly! Your enthusiasm for getting back to tractor work really shines through
They say find a job you love & you will never work a day in your life!!! Looks like you've done that Molly, by the big smile on your face!! Thanks for taking us along!
Thank you for the ride along, Molly. Very enjoyable and educational. Darn rocks, branches and roots! Looking forwad to more.
This was really interesting. I have often wondered what the various implements you see beside farms on country roads are for. Thanks for explaining how it works.
Love the sound of the Deere engines when they are working. That plow is a heavy load to pull. Your happiness is contagious, we all smile when you are happy.
That was awesome. Thanks for your hard work and for helping feed America. Without farmers, we would all starve, and I personally appreciate the entire team at Bells Farming. You guys do a fantastic job and care about the product you put on the table. If I could buy your potatoes in Florida, I absolutely would.