Talk about a scary day with two fires burning with strong winds a real recipe for disaster. Then also being a long way away from fire protection even scarier. Glad to hear everything worked out and that neighbors are going to be assisting. When I first saw the thumbnail, I thought it was that paving machine on "Cars" movie. Great job by the volunteer fire fighters too.
From a fire fighter...when we ask for funding and tax dollars it's not to waste it. 90% of fire departments are volunteer and they are almost all under funded. People get mad when fire departments have nice new equipment but isn't that what you want if your life depended upon it? Support your local fire department like your life depends on it because one day it might!
From a firefighter, I appreciate all you do as a farmer. We don’t eat if you don’t grow crops. You’re an amazing young woman. I wish more kids in this country were raised the way you were. Raised with an education, respect, and a hard work ethic. Thank you for what you and your family does for this country.