Lesson to be learned, don't trespass on other people's property. On the flip side, that lawn was beautiful.
When he reversed and they were all standing behind the slurry tank, i wanted him to turn it on, cover them all in shit.
Fear not, just because he didn’t actually dowse them in manure, instead he surrounded the entire perimeter with it. Because, those people have to carry all their gear out eventually, and they all have to walk over that layer of poopsies
He must've talked himself out of flipping the slurry switch on when he was backed right up to those clueless weasels, who had no idea what he could have done to them. I wish he would have soaked them.
I live amongst the farmers and that smell means there will be food on the table. Farmers can both feed you and protect you. Upmost respect
That Farmer actually was decent about spreading manure !! He did not spray anyone or any of the tents and stuff !! He simply let them know that they don't belong on his property !!! Kudos to the farmer !!!!!!