Nice, capturing the gear retraction sequence including door close. The varied viewing spots and close-ups are cool. Thanks for shooting in such weather. Awesome vid!
Wow I had no idea Birmingham was such an international hot spot,,So nice to see A spotter friendly airport
You should try plane spotting here in Philippines especially in Clark International Airport
I don't think that was a very good landing. From what I've seen in cross wind situations the pilot fly's the plane with the nose pointing into the wind but with the controls setting the plane to go, in this case, down the center line of the runway, a sort of side slip then at the last moment turns the nose to point down the runway to make a stress-lite loading on the landing gear. This didn't happen here.
Maybe I should try to plane spot here a lot of great planes I sure hope British Airways is there
An imposing aircraft on all four sides. But it was too much for them and they withdrew it, which wastes resources.