Com : Bill :The two men working with the man that is running the chipper is stupid as he is ! You never get on that in feed platform.
Com: Joe: Wonder if the owner of the wood chipper knows what there doing with his equipment.its not made to handle logs that big.3 brain surgeons at work
Com: Michael : Risking their lives to turn $350 worth of top grade firewood into nearly worthless chips, with the added bonus of wrecking an expensive chipper
Com : The : Yeah some skill he walked right under a log suspended from a rope in a tree how brilliant and where I come from against workers comp .
Com : Jon H : A good demonstration of how not to start a saw, lack of/or inadequate PPE, wreck a good chipper and drastically reduce the value of a good stick of Eucalypt timber to near worthless woodchip. These guys need better training to be able to look after themselves and their gear.