Com: Norris : this whole thing is about having traction (lots of weight and ok tires) and low enough gearing and/OR power.
So tractor with extra weights should win almost anything!
Com: Levi pannel : The only reason why the steam tractor won is because it's hook point was a lot higher and had a lot more torque
Com: Duramax : The third one is not fair because the Power stroke is 2016 and the Duramax dually is older than that. But still the Duramax dually won
Com: Johnny : Asking a maybe dumb question. In the battle between Case and John Deere ..
does it really matter how much torque the traktor has? I mean, when the wheel spins power doesn't mean anything.
In that moment it is all about the friction of the wheel. right?
Com: Derby racer : I'd just like to make it plain, an LR defender could never out pull a dodge Cummins Diesel.
It's not just me being an American fan boy, most of these pulls are staged for 1 vehicle to win.
That's why you could see videos online of Ford Rangers out pulling F-450s