Com: Bill: So when the wet lands are gone and the beavers go elsewhere and the waterfowl no longer come and have babies and the local animal life have nothing to drink how are you going to feel dumb ass
Com: Myredube: And another eco-system stuffed by stupid humans.Couldn't wait for the JCB to slide into the water!
Com: Ernest: You know liberals are going to bitch about the beavers home being destroyed ! Even though it’s not their land , and none of their business !
Com: Larry: You would be better off if you let the current carry the beaver dam wood down stream so the beavers would have a harder time finding new wood when they started rebuilding the dam that "very night".
Com: Ghost: Wow. Some of the people here in the comments section need to chill the fuck out. It's just a freaking beaver damn, it can be rebuilt and it's not like they are torturing and killing a living animal.