What I see is impressive what machine could do, the world has such beautiful things, and this stones look nice on what ever you place them at, but I wonder why they were there, it looks like what ever I think it may be holding this world together it's been shave of it, it's kind of scary. No offense to those who work on this type of work
An operator with a CAT excavator is ok, with Hitachi and a saxifrower, a reprimand, with a Volv 180 to a shovel to clean the face, if he understands that when trying to take a lump, he can break a fork, a kiwak, an actuator or even a frame, a Volvo 350 with a friend knew how to get into the block by two, a truck driver who took a block from Kumatsu, a master of shims could put newspapers on it, it would be better under the forks, health and safety at the highest level.
If you move spoil from other areas of the quarry to create a softer pad for the fall you could avoid uncontrolled splintering like in 9:20 I'm not impressed.
Watching this I thought... How did the ancient Egyptians managed without all these trucks to build the pyramids ?!? There's definitely something they knew that we dont know yet.