Comments: - - Oh yah and to have a cigarette while doing your tree fall takes me back my dad did the same thing !!!He was a real man and a awesome wood cutter I miss him!!
Putting up several ads across the screen to block the viewer from watching the tree fall defeats the whole scene. If your not going to show the best part , what is the point ???
Love the guy with cig like my father in law lost his liter one time watched him lite one off the muffler one time
anybody who's ever asked if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound does this give you your answer
I remember in the 80s me and my dad cutting wood on TEJON RANCH in ca he had a homelite 1050 that thing was a monster but I don't remember it cutting through wood as fast as these new sthils the chainsaw has come a long way and not nearly as heavy as they use to be!!