The 255 HP tractor has now completed its first season carrying out a variety of jobs. So it is now time to follow it during its first season looking at some of the things it has done using a variety of implements. Aside from the 6 furrow Lemken Juwel 8 OF plough it is also seen in action using VSS Agro and Lemken seedbed cultivators, a 4,5m AVR hook tine cultivator, SMS subsoiler and Amazone drill combination.
Nice video, with Zuidberg tracks mounted to the nice JD - R tractor! Is this the ultimate way to help to safegard the soil and limit compaction by using such tracks? It certainly gives low pressure onto the soil, and equally important without having wheels and a big part of the tractors' weight deep in the furrow, it particulalry causes less damage on heavy clay soils and therefor no compaction caused deeper in the soil.
So, just close to the surface some slight compaction of the soil is caused, which can be managed via regular tillage. No compaction at a depth of 25 - 30 cm, which is appreciated and necessary for a required soil moisture management and crops rootzone, leding to good crop growth. So a clear advantage from plowing on top ('bovenover ploegen') instead of in the furrow.
It appeared in some situations a challenge though, once ploughing with GPS, sometimes correction is needed. For that RTK-GPS (Real Time Kinematic) seems to work, as the most accurate form of positioning used in agriculture. In addition, the correction signal can be received from a network of reference stations, as from the network of 06-GPS units. Works well in four seasons