I have seen these machines at work in my travels. However, even operators shouldn't have any work ethic because the road looks like crap once it's crossed.
The machine at the beginning of the video has definitely spoiled the view of our forested areas. They use it all over our county and it looks terrible when driving on our roads. They bring it to our branches and block the roads. I don't like them.
In iyi makineler, but please, could you ?? günaydın ?? these makineleri describe? Bring us into their bowels, open the hoods, make us hear exlecting the engines, transmitting them all that makes them so Exceptional. Or at least, give us, brands and models, in order to be able, ourselves, to do research and discover these makineleri, brüt ve minyonları dökün.
What some below can't see or understand. If these machines are used consciously and responsibly to clear land for a runway for aircraft to serve habitats for humanity and the like. They can be used for good. Wearhouser Corp. Let's see some tree planters to plant clean-cut deforested lands by California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado...etc...and all the other cutting and burning agendas in So. Other regions in America, Philippines and Alaska.
The first was worthless. The latter is the real deal but the dam they've spent. The guys at work did 8,000 worth of damage to a much smaller machine. It's amazing how man tamed a few years of growth from mother nature. The man rules!