Do you have a hog problem at your ranch or deer lease, we have the solution.“The System” Hog Trap, a 30′ diameter trap.When you are finished trapping the hogs you can take the top section of the trap off and use it for another site to keep the hogs away from the feeders.This system can be used for both a trap and a deer food plot fencing, that way your not just buying a hog trap.Com: Peter beyer : In Australia we have a huge feral pig problem and we shoot them from helicopters! Your trap seems a much cheaper option!Com: Kally collins : Thank you sir, in my neck of the woods a caught hog is a dead hog and a dead hog is a good hog. Thousands of dollars of damage and hundreds of hours work saved.
Com: Australin : HAHAHAHA, A couple halfwit, no brain, greeny, tree hugging,milk comes from cartons and meat comes from plastic trays brigade have spoilt a good post and ad for PEST ERRADICATION !!well i have been a pro KANGAROO shooter for years as it is a nesesary evil as Farmers try to feed the world.The negative comments i have read seem to come from veeeeeerrry narrow minded people living veeeerry sheltered lives ! HARVEST ON I SAY !!! CHEERS